Finally Get the Lean,

Muscular Body You’ve Always Wanted


And Sustain it for Life.

(without restrictive dieting, spending HOURS in the gym or skipping

date night.. EVEN IF you’ve failed at every fitness plan in the past) 

Regardless of where you are on your health journey right now…

Whether you’re at the start and every time you look in the mirror, you feel the embarrassment and frustration of letting it get this far.


Maybe you’re tired of the never ending yo-yo dieting, and are ready to lose the love handles, ditch the diet plans and learn how to truly optimize your health once and for all…


Or you’re somewhere in between, and you know that, in order to get sustainable results, you just need a proven system that finally WORKS.


I don’t need to convince you that your health is the most important investment you can make. You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t already believe that.


And you probably already know that when you choose to prioritize your health, the end product is not just a healthy body… it’s a better life.




Many people associate good health with a lean physique, which can be true, but what most people don’t realize is that a healthy body can also lead to:

A Longer, Stronger Life

You’ve probably heard that most people spend more time planning for a 2-week vacation than they do for retirement, but the same can be said for your body. If you don’t prioritize your health NOW, you’ll end up with more than just a ruined vacation… you may never get to enjoy your last years or even the next few. You. Never. Know. 

More Energy

When you train and eat with a purpose, you will be amazed how quickly your body uses that as fuel to create more energy in your body and mind. No more hitting snooze and rolling over, you’ll jump out of bed feeling refreshed and ready to attack the day!

Better Productivity and Focus

When you prioritize your body, your mind becomes clear, free from distractions, and you can focus much more on the important tasks at hand. This has often resulted in substantial upward career mobility and more financial success for my clients.

More Confidence & Deeper Connections

This might be my favorite one to witness. When you feel supremely confident, you naturally command attention and respect of those around you, and more importantly – yourself. Your relationships change, your self-esteem rises and you become the type of person who sets goals and follows through. This is a powerful lens to see life through.

Even though many people rank being healthy as their #1 priority, Most don’t truly know what exactly to prioritize for their body.

Great, I’m Committed.

But where do I start?

If you’re like most people, you’ve dabbled in the latest fad diets, spent WAY too much money on useless supplements and found yourself following random workout programs on YouTube… or worse, social media.

The industry is riddled with inexperienced trainers. And it’s not their fault either.

I know because thousands of them have taken my programs.

They are taught that the quickest way to create success is to model, or “Fake it Til You Make It.” That means there are thousands of incorrectly diagnosed problems or inaccurate programs floating around the internet.

So here’s my advice:

You go to the person with the most experience, a track record of personal success and a long list of TRUE client testimonials… and learn from them.


Whether that’s me or not.


But I can tell you, there are MAYBE 1 or 2 other people that I would recommend to my close friends and family.


So stop wasting your time and money following the fads, or frauds.


If you’re truly committed, make that decision NOW so you have one less decision to make everyday.


It no longer becomes IF you’re motivated, but THAT you’re motivated.


Because here’s the thing, if you wait until you’re motivated, you’ll never get there.

COMMITMENT precedes ACTION which precedes MOTIVATION.

So if you’re ready to make the RIGHT decision, you’re in the best place. But first…

the 4 reasons

Most Transformation Plans Fail

(and how to guarantee yours won’t this time)

Not Having a Clear Goal

When you don’t know where you’re going, you have no chance of success. We increase the likelihood by understanding what drives you. The psychological framework we use can help you optimize your goals, break them down into meaningful steps and execute with 100% adherence.


Having the Wrong Guide

One of the best things you can do today is to throw out any fitness magazines, unfollow the health influencers on social media and get rid of ALL plans you’ve downloaded from the Internet. What works for THEM won’t necessarily work for YOU. What you need is a proven, integrated program that takes you, your training, nutrition, lifestyle and mindset into consideration to guarantee success.


Not Fully Committing

If you historically jump into and out of programs, it’s time to reevaluate your priorities. I am not in the business of convincing people why their health is important. If you’re on this page, chances are you’re on the fence. My job is to make sure you have everything you need to be successful. Your job is to say YES to yourself.


Having the Wrong Plan

You can do everything right but in the wrong order and it’s just as effective as not having a plan at all. You need the right sequence in place, with progress built in, to be successful. This comes with experience, something I’ve been perfecting for over 20+ years on all ages, body types and lifestyles.


Just Between Us...

Most Coaches and Trainers will tell you to increase your cardio and decrease calories. Eat Less and Lift More.


That’s an inaccurate and frankly, dangerous prescription.


In fact, with my last client, we actually bumped his calories UP from 1500 to 2700.


He is eating more than ever and dropping fat everyday.






Building Muscle and Losing Fat shouldn’t be confusing, time-consuming or expensive.


The fitness industry is confused, and coaches are getting it wrong. I know because we end up fixing the problems they create.


It’s NOT hard when you have the right system in place.. FOR YOUR BODY.


Not some cookie cutter BS that your misinformed trainer or internet “gurus” would prefer you buy into and line their pockets with.




Because it requires YEARS of hands-on experience that they don’t have.


A customized, scientific approach they don’t have time to learn or understand.


And, the business of customized transformations isn’t always the sexiest or most profitable.


So what do they do? They cut corners and cheat you out of a great result… then blame YOU when it doesn’t deliver the results you wanted, leaving you to believe there’s something wrong with you.


Even if you’ve tried everything, every diet, pill, powder or potion… and no matter how set in your ways you are… if you’re ready to go all in, there is still an opportunity right now for you to change your life.


So with your permission, I’m going to share the step-by-step process to help YOU transform your body.

“I always wanted to be lean, sub 10% body fat and I just never got there. Bpak is someone I trusted inherently and we’re four months in and if this is all we got, I’m fantastically happy. If you’d ask me, “would you write a check for for this amount to look that way in six months, overnight, like magically? I would’ve said absolutely! That amount of money is worth looking and feeling that way.”

– Matt Somero

Ben Pakulski

The Complete, Proven 90-Day Transformation System to Help You Become Lean, Healthy and Muscular for Life.

I’ve distilled down 20+ years of wisdom from personal mastery and experimentation, all with my work with pro-athletes and top executives, to bring you a program that works.


Not to mention, the best pieces of content and execution from my best-selling program that has helped over 1 MILION clients transform their bodies.

Lean for life isn't a diet plan, it's a health optimization program.

You’ll learn about the intricacies of health, fat loss and muscle building, but more than that – You’ll FINALLY have a bulletproof system that works today, tomorrow and for the years to come.

Lean for Life

Is the first system of it's kind that...

Is built with action and implementation included.

This is not an education program that will leave you jumbled and filled with useless facts. I created this to help you take the RIGHT action.

Maximizes your potential

You don’t need more cookie-cutter solutions. You need real, proven exercises and programming with progress built in.

Focuses on mastering the basics

If you can’t do the basic-level programming, you will build everything on a rocky foundation. We focus on form, tempo and structure to ensure you get the most of each workout.

Here's How We

Make It Happen

Foundational Phase

This phase is where you learn to master the basics. If you build on a rocky foundation, everything on top of it will crumble. You will come away feeling confident in your ability to execute your training properly, and eat correctly for your body and according to your goals.

Optimization Phase

You will learn how to uplevel your training and nutrition in this phase. In addition, you will learn to incorporate other modalities and address more comprehensive issues that may arise. This is where you will see the most amount of progress.

Performance Phase

In this phase, you will begin to turn up the dial on your progress by focusing on just a few key levers that will make the greatest impact on your results. Once you complete this phase, you will be ready to graduate to a more upgraded and integrated approach to your training, nutrition and lifestyle.

When you join our Lean For Life Program, you also get access to:



(A $997/year value)

This is a serious group of high-performing men and women who are committed to prioritizing themselves and their health to finally look, feel and perform at their best.

Use this community to:

Share recipes, tips and resources to make sure you stay committed to your goals.

Engage in meaningful discussions after the Coaching Calls. You can use this space to exchange information or ask questions.

Stay motivated on those challenging days. It’s not always easy to resist unhealthy temptations, but this group will help you stay on track.

So what would it be worth to you and your loved ones if…



The total value of everything is OVER $6000

(and truthfully, you can’t put a price on your health)

I’m only taking on a small number of people this round. This is only for people who are SUPER committed so that I can invest in YOU as much as you invest in me. So, I’m giving you the rare opportunity to enroll in Lean for Life TODAY at the special promotional price of just…


Pay Monthly

3 payments of


Best Value

Pay Upfront

Single payment of


(SAVE $167)


What have you got to lose?

That said, if you complete the Lean for Life training, nutrition and weekly protocols for 30 days and are unhappy with your results for any reason, I would be happy to offer you a full refund.




The people who succeed in this program have these in common:


  • They are typically between the ages of 30 – 55 years old.


  • They have achieved a high level of success in at least 1 area of life.


  • They have a deep desire to change their physique and their life.


  • They have at least 10-15 lbs of unwanted fat.


  • They are able to train 3+ days per week.


  • They are 100% committed to following the plan.

The people who are NOT a great fit:


  • They waffle over big decisions and don’t take action.


  • They aren’t serious about putting in the work or following a plan.


  • They complain or blame others for their mistakes or misfortunes.


  • They chase shiny objects, pills and potions.

We have an at-home version which requires barbells and dumbbells. The Regular version requires access to a full gym.

Just stay committed and revisit your goals everyday. If you have a partner or spouse, invite them to join you. It increases your chances of adherence when you have a support system around you who won’t let you fail.



Please read through these bullet points and if they speak to you, there’s a good indication that this is the right program for you.



Pay Monthly

3 payments of


Best Value

Pay Upfront

Single payment of


(SAVE $167)

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