

Hosted By Ben Pakulski

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44 Success Principles

Most of you know that I’m extremely specific about what I put in my body, the products I use on my skin, and the technology that I choose to include in my life. Below is a curated list of companies and products that I feel uphold a truly remarkable standard of quality.


The Muscle Intelligence Podcast empowers men with the skills, habits, beliefs and processes to lead from the front. After spending more than 25 years in the health and fitness industry, Ben has done the research, coached, worked with or spoken to the best in class, and distilled it down into actionable items for you to take away and implement.


If you’re an executive, entrepreneur or high-performer who wants to work smarter, not lose his edge as he ages, or just get the advice of someone who has been in the trenches for the last 25 years, this podcast is for you.

We Train Champions

Our world-class coaches are trained to get you the results you want in half the time. It doesn’t have to be hard if you are committed to following the plan with 100% accuracy and adherence. We have one motto here at Muscle Intelligence: Results First.

We combine Elite-Level Accountability, World-Class Execution and Pro-Athlete Programming to Achieve Sustainable Success. Our clients choose us because they are tired of cookie-cutter solutions, poorly trained coaches, lackluster accountability and unsustainable results.

We are the leaders in the industry for a reason. We guarantee all of our transformations, and our results speak for themselves, which is why the BEST invest in us.

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